Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lent - Week one update!

Hey all!  I made it through my first week of lent, refined sugar and desert free!  I don't really like the idea of having to restrict something from my diet because usually that type of thing can backfire, but I have been so motivated to be healthier and meet this challenge that I am okay with it!  I have insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes (this is not a new discovery or anything) and during my visit to my doc the other day I told her that I had given up refined sugars and she was very pleased.  She told me that this is one of the best things I can do to keep my insulin issues and metabolism in check without having to take Western medicine, which I am NOT a fan of at all.  So, needless to say, these past 6 days have been great!  I have not had any wierd and uncontrollable cravings to satisfy my sweet tooth, and I think it's mainly because I have a goal in mind and ahead of me.  I have eaten things that are sweet, but are naturally sweetened.  Like, raspberry preserves, stevia in my coffee and cereal, fruit, yogurt, etc so that has done the trick.  I have also decided to get out of the slump of eating the same meal every night for dinner simply beause it is convienent, and have been putting together more dinner combos, which has satisfied my craving for change in my diet.  It's pretty challenging to make sure that I am getting my protein carbs and veggies in every meal, but I have the knowledge so I just need to take the time to prepare the meals.  
I truly believe that my problems with food cravings, mainly sweets, come from the fact that I lack variety in my diet.  It's hard when you are on a budget, don't have a lot of time, and can only eat certain foods....but I have managed to come up with some pretty good dinners!  I have also found some pretty awesome blogs on here from fellow foodies with great recipe and meal ideas which have really inspired me and given me new ideas.  You should really check them out..
www.eatliverun.com, http://nhershoes.blogspot.com/, and http://therunningyogini.wordpress.com/
These ladies are truly inspiring and creative, and I really enjoy reading their blogs! Plus, it's awesome to see what they will be cooking up next!
Unfortunately I have been working on some projects for school that have kept me pretty busy so I haven't been able to take pics of my meals....either that or I just forgot.  DOH!  I will make sure and do that tomorrow.  I have been working on a lot of stuff for school right now not to mention a big research project for my biology class.  Boy, I can't wait till this qtr is over so I can take a break!
Okay, gotta get back to the homework and this nice glass of wine that I am enjoying so I will update more later.  Hopefully with some pics included.
Night all!

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